Saturday, September 7, 2024

What Type Of Radio Do Police Use

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The Evolution Of Police Walkie

How POLICE RADIOS work | A Comparison of Old and New

However, police walkie-talkies have since evolved. Now, every walkie-talkie is not just connected to the headquarters but is also interlinked to one another. As their main communications device, the unit is always on. So if a patrol car or an individual police officer is not using it, it automatically becomes a receiver to receive information feeds from the headquarters or other units.

As radio equipment, including modern-day walkie-talkies, became more powerful, compact and easier to use, communications have likewise improved by leaps and bounds between the headquarters and the police field units.

In some ultra-modern countries today, however, police walkie-talkies are now being phased out in favor of smart transceivers with GPS capability. These communications devices already function like a smartphone or a tablet.

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How A Radar Detector Works

Now that you have a basic understanding of what radar is and how radar systems function, it is easy to see how a radar detector works. Essentially, radar detectors simply act as radio receivers, picking up the specific frequencies used by radar devices, specifically radar guns used by police to identify and catch speeding cars. Because radar signal emissions tend to spread out in the air as they propagate away from the source radar detectors in moving cars can often pick up on radars radio wave transmission before the car comes within close enough range of the police car to be tracked. Once they radar detector senses a radar signal of a specific frequency, it sounds an audible alarm and lights up a visual display to notify the driver that the signal has been detected so that they can reduce the vehicles speed. In a way, a radar detector is like the receiver half of a radar system it has a receive antenna, radar receiver, and some rudimentary signal processing that detects the presence of radio frequency energy and then outputs a simple notification to the driver based on that detection.

How To Hack Police Frequencies

This is not illegal. You can hack frequencies using devices other than scanners. When you do that, these devices then become police scanners themselves its as simple as that.

Imagine listening to a police radio frequency in your area about local crime on your scanner. Its legal and its simple. Now, what if you dont have a police scanner radio to listen to these frequencies?

Fortunately, you can use other devices to hack into the spectrum beyond FM. What you have is a radio that you built yourself. An additional perk is it might double as something else too, like a simple calculator.

If this is something you want to try, all you need to do is explore the VHF and UHF bands. This will enable you to listen to coded audio data. You can then decode these audio signals and effectively make out what the police are saying about crime in your local area.

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Phoenix Pd Investigating After Hoax ‘officer Down’ Call On Police Radio

Theyve Been Listening for YearsFor more than a generation, we have lived with the reality of having our radio traffic monitored by anyone with a programmable scanner. The devices are inexpensive and capable of receiving any non-encrypted public safety radio traffic. A few jurisdictions have bans on police radio frequency receivers in vehicles, in an attempt to minimize their use by criminals, but monitoring is otherwise legal. The advent of cheap, high-tech transceivers from China now make it possible for anyone to both receive and transmit on many police frequencies.

The Baofeng and similar radios will program any public safety frequency in the VHF and UHF bands. They will not interface with the upper UHF bands in the 700/800MHz frequency ranges or operate on trunked or cellular-based systems. But, the vast majority of US police agencies still operate on radio channels compatible with the little $30 technological wonders.

The programmable portables are sold for use by amateur radio, HAM operators for use on their two-meter and 70-centimeter bands, which are adjacent to the public safety bands. They can be user programmed with up to 128 channels using the keyboard on the face or by computer software and have up to eight watts of transmit power. The units can monitor two channels simultaneously or scan through all the programmed channels. Preppers and Militia-types are buying these radios by the boatloads.

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Listening In Via The Internet

Uniden BCD436HP Handheld Digital Police Scanner Trunking P ...

If you wish to get a taste of radio scanning, and have a sound card in your PC, try the various radio scanner live broadcasts for police, fire, rail and aviation.

Reception over the Internet may be erratic when there is network congestion, but this is an inexpensive way to try out radio scanning via your PC and the Internet.

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Can A Scanner Pick Up Walkie Talkie Conversations

Yes, some models can. These scanners will allow you to listen in on amateur radio frequencies, which can even include baby monitors, cell phones, and of course, walkie talkies. To learn more, read my guide on walkie talkie code, where youll also get some great information on the safest and best walkie talkies.

Example Of Police Radio Communication

In the example below, you are Unit C101 and your call sign is phonetic Charlie 101. For this police department, their dispatch is referred to as COM. You have just observed a car accident and another patrol car, Charlie 102, also sees what has happened.

Charlie 101 to COM.

You begin a message with your call sign followed by the intended receivers call sign and then pause for their response. If you suspect there is other ongoing radio traffic it never hurts to ask dispatch if the radio is clear, e.g. Charlie 101 to COM, radio clear?

Go ahead Charlie 101

COM, show me 10-97 for a Signal 4 on Brand St. and Russel Ave. Charlie 102 just arrived as well.

You generally do not need to repeat your call sign again unless there is extensive radio traffic or a long pause in communication.

10-4, 101 do you require any additional units?

COM, thats negative. There does not appear to be any injuries. Charlie 102 is here.

10-4, Ill change your status to 10-97 with Charlie 102.

Dispatch concludes the transmission and indicates the officer will be busy on-scene.

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What Communication Technology Do Police Officers Need

Communications technology is essential in multiple industries, and one of the areas it is most important is in the public safety sector. For those committed to protecting and serving, having the right equipment is an everyday necessity. And when it comes to police communication technology in particular, there are several communications essentials that can give officers dependable, real-time information to stay informed and safe and to respond properly. Here we look at some of the most employed solutions.

Can Ham Radios Pick Up Police

Introduction to the police or radio scanners

Yes, some ham radios can pick up police frequencies. This has actually been a big issue for the FCC over the years because they are frustrated by the widespread access to cheap radios like the Baofeng UV-5R which can be modified to listen in to police activity. You have to be very careful because it is 100% illegal to transmit over these protected frequencies, and even listening in can be dubious depending upon where you are or if you are using it to commit a crime.

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How Does It Operate

Police radar can be operated in two modes. The first is continuously transmitted or constant-on operation.

Generally police radar such as this is easily detected at great distance with a radar detector. Radar detectors are not illegal to use in the United State with a few exceptions which are in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the District of Columbia, some providences of Canada, and by commercial truck drivers and on a military base. In the case of Virginia, the fine for being caught with a radar detector is very small and much less than a speeding ticket and their is pending legislation that may remove the restriction altogether.

There are certain speed traps used by police that utilize constantly transmitting police radar that are designed to be harder to detect by those who use radar detectors. Police can operate constant-on police radar from a covered positionhiding among heavy foliage of a median, for example, and pointing their police radar guns across the roadway at an anglenot directly at approaching vehicles. Such trap configurations can be very hard to detect even with the best radar detectors. It is not uncommon to encounter state troopers in New Jersey operating police radar in this manner.

Instant-On Police Radar Operated from Hidden Position

States That Use Automated

In the Southeast region, there is Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia.

In the Northeast region, there is District Columbia, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont.

In the Midwest region, there is Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota.

In the Southwest region, there is Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas.

In the Western region, there is California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming.

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How Far Can My Speed By Determined

Generally speed measurements are taken when you are within a 1000 feet and sometimes closer when an officer hides in a stationery position. Fortunately, all detectors produced today can detect radar from distances that are generally much greater than that. I should mention, however, that I recently received a speeding ticket by a North Carolina officer who picked me off with an instant-on shot on an open road at about 2500-3000 feet away with his Stalker Dual, 34.7 Ka police radar gun!

Do Cops Still Use Walkie Talkies

Uniden BC75XLT Police Scanner Review

Police officers throughout the world continue to use walkie talkies as their primary form of communication. This is because it is safe, fast, and secure, a trifecta which allows law enforcement to understand situations and response quickly and accurately. Many police forces, military units, and other emergency organization use walkie talkies around the globe.

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What Frequencies Do Scanners Use

A scanner radio uses several frequencies, and as mentioned, a common way to find them is by using a local directory. Here are some common ones:

  • 46: This is the inter-department emergency frequency for communications by both local and state forces.
  • 160: This frequency is open to all departments, facilitating inter-department emergency communication in times of search and rescue operations.
  • 475: This is a more common frequency where many emergency communications of state and local officers happen.

There are many other frequencies especially depending on which area you live in. For instance, youll find many sets of frequencies in the state of Alabama. If you want to listen to Dallas County frequencies, you can tune in to:

  • 80000: The sheriff dispatch, RM-type with WPUF523 license. Its the Dallas SO 1.
  • 50000: The Fire VFD dispatch, RM-type with KNAU435 license. Its the line of the Dallas County Fire Department.
  • Similarly, there are three more for Dallas County, and three more for Selma.

As you can see, each frequency has a license and many have tones as well (like 110.9 PL for the Dallas SO 1. These are all mostly FM or FMN.

Note that police scanners are devices that scan and not impose audio on airwaves themselves. That makes it tricky to say what scanner frequencies do law enforcement officers use because theyre simply listening in.

If youre interested to know about object-oriented scanning and which models use it, see a short discussion on our Whistler TRX-1 review.

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Best Practice When Using A Radio Receiver/scanner

There are two ways of operating a scanner, generally referred to as the search mode and the scan mode. The search mode does just that: i.e. it searches for any radio transmissions it can find within a defined frequency range. If the scanner finds a transmission, it halts and allows you to listen to the broadcast.

The scan mode usually comes into play after youve been searching for a while and found a number of frequencies that you like to return to. These frequencies can be stored in the scanners memory. The unit can then be set to just scan those stored frequencies to rapidly find the channels that interest you.

A key consideration for efficient operation is to choose the size of step you want your scanner to search by. Depending on your scanner, the step sizes usually range from 5 kHz up to 50 kHz. For example, as a rule of thumb it is best to stick to 6.5 kHz and 12.5 kHz size steps when scanning the VHF and UHF bands.

It is therefore important to identify what the most efficient step size is to avoid missing any transmissions. Finding the right step size also ensures that when the scanner stops on a transmission, it is correctly tuned into the right frequency.

How To Find Police Scanner Frequencies

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One way to find frequencies is by asking a retailer of police scanners. Local directories also help you find the information you need, since the frequency depends on which county or state you live in. But by far, the quickest and most accurate route is through the internet.

There are many tools online that can help you find scanner frequencies through states, metro areas, and zip codes. You can also search for trunked radio information like talk groups in your area. Still, we find that inputting your county or state on a websites search function is the easiest way to do it.

If you want, there are apps for these too. Just enter your state, city, or county to get the results and listen to transmissions in your area.

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Can Walkie Talkies Pick Up Police

While your average consumer FRS / GMRS walkie talkie will not pick up police chatter, there are ways to listen in on police radio. You can buy a police scanner, which will allow you to listen in on police, fire, EMS, air traffic, and many other interesting channels. We’ve created a comprehensive Police Scanner Buyer’s Guide to help you find the perfect device to monitor local police and emergency communication.

How Can You Listen To Police Frequencies

You can listen to police frequencies simply by programming your scanner. You just need to look for the specific frequency or frequencies that you want to listen to in your local area. For that, you just need to use the internet, directories, or the retailers database.

If you have all your frequencies listed, simply program those frequencies in your scanner with the steps weve discussed above. Once thats done, you can now listen to communications across your state in frequencies like fire, EMS, and aviation.

To make your listening experience smooth and static-free, make sure you also got a proper antenna installed in your scanner. Your scanners factory antenna might not do the job, so weve also listed the best police scanner antennas for you.

If you dont want to use a scanner or if you dont have a scanner right now, there are also many websites that feature live audio. Its probably not real-time, as there might be a lag between the signal reception, conversion to web audio, and live uploading which the server might limit if there are too many requests.

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What States Use Pop Radar

Some states have contracted with MPH and have been known to use those guns in the states of Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Mississippi, Nevada, New York, Oregon. But that doesnt necessarily mean that POP was used with any great frequency. Police laser has essentially superseded any potential benefits of POP and is the preferred method of speed enforcement. I was recently speeding in a remote part of Nevada and got pulled over by a police officer who indicated he clocked me with his MPH unit. My radar detector did not alert, so I am assuming that the police officer used POP.

To detector POP radar, radar detectors have to enabled to detect it and not all detectors have the ability to do so. Furthermore, when POP radar detection is enabled on most detectors, they tend to false more and their detection range of conventional I/O radar tends to drop.

Unless you know that POP is being used in your region, we recommend keeping POP detection turned off on your detector.

Police are not supposed to issue tickets solely on the use of POP, but honestly there is really no way to know if that role is being followed or not. Fortunately for us drivers, the use of POP is rare.

How Radar Detectors Work

Introduction to the police or radio scanners

Image credit: ET1972/

Radar detectors are electronic devices that help detect radio waves or radio signals. These are forms of electromagnetic energy that are emitted from radars, such as those used by police to locate cars driving over the speed limit. Certain types of radar detectors also identify the presence of laser speed guns, which may be useful for those looking to avoid speed traps that traditional radar detectors may miss.

In order to understand how exactly a radar detector works, it is first helpful to understand some basic background on radar and radar technology and the principals by which they operate.

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