Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How To Contact Cyber Crime Police

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Vision Reduce The Threat Impact And Victimization Of Cybercrime In Canada

Cyber Crime police advise senior citizens how to avoid fraudsters

Identify and prioritize cybercrime threats through intelligence collection and analysis

  • Strengthen the collection and analysis of cybercrime data to drive investigations and other policing measures
  • Exploit intelligence to identify serious cybercrime threats and deny cybercriminals of their tools
  • Work with law enforcement and industry to tactically disrupt national and international cybercrime threats

Pursue cybercrime through targeted enforcement and investigative action

  • Develop a highly trained team for priority cybercrime investigations
  • Expand technical capabilities to augment investigations where cyber is integral to a suspected criminal offence
  • Target the most sophisticated and complex cybercrimes in concert with domestic and international partners

Support cybercrime investigations with specialized skills, tools and training

  • Expand capabilities to handle digital evidence in support of cybercrime investigations
  • Acquire new operational tools for cyber-related investigations
  • Expand law enforcement training for cybercrime investigators and intelligence analysts


Action Item #1: Examine Integrated Enforcement Models For Combating Cybercrime

Links to operational framework: P1 P2 O3 O6 E4

Success indicators

  • Greater national coordination and deconfliction for major cybercrime investigations.

Planned timeline



Cybercrime activities are often multi-jurisdictional in nature and require the combined efforts of Canadian police services, including national law enforcement coordination and deconfliction.

To address this requirement, the RCMP will examine its existing enforcement models for joint force operations and will consider models that may better address criminal investigations in the cyber realm. An emphasis will be placed on examining national law enforcement coordination and deconfliction measures for technically complex and multi-jurisdictional cybercrimes, particularly those involving the widespread unauthorized use of computers and mischief in relation to data. This examination will focus on examining operations across RCMP federal policing, contract policing and national police services, including protocols for collaboration between the RCMP and its provincial and municipal law enforcement partners.

Action Item #1: Examine Ways To Further Inform Canadians And Industry Of Emerging Cybercrime Threats

Links to operational framework: P1 O1 O2 O3 E3 E6

Success indicators

  • Provide Canadians and industry with more relevant and timely information on cybercrime threats.
  • Encourage Canadians and industry to take proactive measures against cybercrime.

Planned timeline



Under the broad context of cyber security, public and private sector organizations, and Canadians themselves, play important roles in addressing cybercrime. The private sector has a critical cyber role in securing its own networks and systems of wider importance, such as telecommunications, banking and other critical infrastructure sectors. Canadians should also take basic measures to protect themselves online, such as using up-to-date cyber security and anti-virus software, using unique and secure user names and passwords, and downloading online applications from only trusted sources. To take these and other proactive measures against cyber threats, Canadians and industry must be aware of cybercrimes facing Canada.

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Us Immigration And Customs Enforcement

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Cyber Crimes Center delivers computer-based technical services to support domestic and international investigations into cross-border crime. C3 is made up of the Cyber Crimes Unit, the Child Exploitation Investigations Unit, and the Computer Forensics Unit. This state-of-the-art center offers cyber crime support and training to federal, state, local, and international law enforcement agencies. C3 also operates a fully equipped computer forensics laboratory, which specializes in digital evidence recovery, and offers training in computer investigative and forensic skills.

Action Item #: Examine Ways To Enhance The Cafc As A Trusted Data And Intelligence Source On Financially

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Links to operational framework: P1 O1 O2 O3 E3 E5

Success indicators

  • Analyze and disrupt a wider spectrum of financially-motivated cybercrime threats.
  • Improve victim-based reporting of financially-motivated cybercrime incidents.

Planned timeline



The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre plays an important role in analyzing and mitigating online fraud by working with Canadian police services and industry to disrupt criminal adversaries in cyberspace. Financially-motivated cybercrimes, however, are not limited to fraud, and require law enforcement to consider other offences.

To address this requirement, the CAFC will examine requirements to address a wider spectrum of financially-motivated cybercrime threats, such as reported cybercrime incidents involving intellectual property infringements and identity theft. The CAFC will also examine ways to expand its intake capabilities for victim-based reporting of suspected cybercrime incidents and improve its police information sharing on cybercrime activities and trends. The RCMP will also examine the role of the CAFC in the context of Federal Policing’s overall intake framework, including potential links to National Police Services.

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Action Item #: Create A Dedicated Intelligence Unit To Identify New And Emerging Cybercrime Threats

Links to operational framework: P1 O1 O2 O3 E3 E4 E5

Success indicators

  • Collect and analyze data sources on cybercrime threats and trends to identify vulnerabilities and enforcement opportunities for investigators.
  • Produce cybercrime intelligence to identify leads and operational priorities for enforcement action.

Planned timeline

Full implementation: 2017 and ongoing.


The RCMP requires dedicated resources to analyze more data sources and foster a strategic, national intelligence picture of cybercrime, and to better identify major cybercrimes for enforcement action.

To address this requirement, the RCMP will establish a dedicated cybercrime intelligence unit within the RCMP National Intelligence Coordination Centre . The NICC will gather and analyze cybercrime intelligence from domestic and international sources where suspected cybercrime activity has been identified and reported to the RCMP. The dedicated cybercrime intelligence unit will enhance the RCMP’s ability to analyze cybercrime threats in an operational capacity and direct resources to target Canada’s most serious and prolific cybercriminals. The NICC will also improve the RCMP’s ability to link cybercrime threats to criminal activity in other domains, such as financial crime or serious and organized crime.

Registering An Online Cyber Crime Complaint

At present, the Ministry of Home Affairs is in the process of launching a centralized online cyber crime registration portalthat would eliminate the need to visit a police station for the same. However, the Cyber Crime Cell of Delhi Police and Indore have already launched an online portal for educating the masses on cyber crimes and also accepting online cyber crime complaints. Following are the links to file a cyber crime complaint in India through an online portal:


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Combating The Evolving Cyber Threat

Our adversaries look to exploit gaps in our intelligence and information security networks. The FBI is committed to working with our federal counterparts, our foreign partners, and the private sector to close those gaps.

These partnerships allow us to defend networks, attribute malicious activity, sanction bad behavior, and take the fight to our adversaries overseas. The FBI fosters this team approach through unique hubs where government, industry, and academia form long-term trusted relationships to combine efforts against cyber threats.

Within government, that hub is the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force . The FBI leads this task force of more than 30 co-located agencies from the Intelligence Community and law enforcement. The NCIJTF is organized around mission centers based on key cyber threat areas and led by senior executives from partner agencies. Through these mission centers, operations and intelligence are integrated for maximum impact against U.S. adversaries.

Only together can we achieve safety, security, and confidence in a digitally connected world.

Cyber Crimes Against Women And Children Are On The Rise

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Women and children have been found to be most gullible in the online world with cyber crimes against women and children witnessing a sharp rise over the last couple of years. Women are often subjected to cyber crimes such as cyber harassment, online stalking, cyber pornography, cyber defamation, matrimonial frauds and much more.

Children are also soft targets for cyber criminals as most teenagers and adolescents manage their online presence without adult guidance. It is hard to get over the spate of deaths of innocent teenagers resulting from the online suicidal game Blue Whale. In fact, as parents, if you observe restlessness, insomnia, excess addiction to the internet or other unnatural changes in your childs behavior, then it is about time that you exercise caution and monitor your childs online activities.

Apart from these, online financial frauds have also become an everyday occurrence. Each day, thousands of innocent individuals fall prey to online banking and credit/debit card frauds.

Statistics show that over 25,800 online banking frauds were reported in 2017, which amounted to nearly 179 crore!!

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About Cyber Crime Unit

The Intelligence Fusion & Strategic Operations, IFSO of Delhi Police functions under the Special Cell and is a specialised unit that handles all complex and sensitivecases of cyber crime including those in which victims are women and children. The Cyber Crime Unit is equipped with a state-ofâthe-art Cyber Labhaving cyber forensic capabilities such as extraction of deleted data from Hard Disks and mobile phones, imaging and hash value calculation, forensic servers, portable forensic tools for on-site examination, facility to extract data from latest Android and iOS phones as well as Chinese phones.

National Response Centre For Cyber Crime

  • What kind of Complaints can be entertained by CCW ?
  • The CCW FIA can entertain the following category of complaints

    • Un-Authorized Accessed
    • Email hacking, Fake id on social media
    • Online Fund Transfer Fraud through bank, ATM, Easy paisa, U-paisa, Time pay or any other online fund transfer facility
    • Impersonation and defamation on social media
  • How can I submit my complaint?
  • There are three ways of submitting your complaint.

    • Online form available on website through complaint.fia.gov.pk
    • Email address
  • Can we submit complaint through helpline on phone call?
  • No, complaints cannot be submitted through helpline. You can only take guidelines about your cybercrime complaint and its further processing.

  • How can I get update / Progress of my complaint ?
  • You can email or contact us on 051-9106384, 051-9106690, 051-9106691, or 1991 for any query against your complaint and update progress. Moreover you can contact your relevant circle for your complaint status. Contact numbers of circles and addresses are provided in FAQ no. 13.

  • Can I go for the Cyber Crime Zones office directly in order to register my complaint ?
  • Yes, you can go there personally with your written application and relevant material

  • How can we report any Incident which falls under cybercrimes ?
    • You can visit our website www.fia.gov.pk and register your complaint by filling our online form.
    • You can send written application with your complete credentials and details of your complaint to your relevant circle.

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    Reporting Cybercrime In Canada

    If youre based in Canada, then you can contact the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security. The centre provides resources for reporting various online scams and abuses. They also provide you with a point of contact for serious cases of cybercrime.

    In the case of the exploitation of children, Canada has the Cybertip service which is anonymous.

    Action Item #: Improve Digital Evidence Capabilities For Cybercrime Investigations

    Cyber Crime A Major Concern For Police

    Links to operational framework: P3 O7 O8 E2

    Success indicators

    • Provide digital forensic support to cybercrime investigations, including those led by the cybercrime investigative team.
    • Acquire new operational tools to analyze digital evidence more effectively.

    Planned timeline

    Full implementation: 2020 and ongoing.


    Cybercrime investigations differ significantly from traditional criminal investigations. They have a greater requirement for operating in online environments through open source analysis and covert means, and obtaining and analyzing data to drive investigations. The new cybercrime investigative team is expected to handle large and complex volumes of digital evidence, such as potential evidence from lawfully seized digital devices and servers.

    To address this requirement, the RCMP will devote new personnel and acquire new operational tools to directly support digital evidence requirements for cybercrime investigations, including those led by the new cybercrime investigative team. These digital forensic resources will ensure that state-of-the-art technological tools and capabilities are in place to support priority cybercrime investigations. In addition, the RCMP will examine capacity and capability requirements to push digital forensic skills and tools to the frontline of policing.

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    What Is Cyber Crime

    One example of a cyber crime is the offer of fake job offers and charging a fee from the applicant for that.

    Another example is that of selling fake or duplicate goods.

    In this crime, criminals set up websites in which the products are offered for sale at steep discounts.

    When the buyer pays the money, he either receives no goods or receives goods which are of very inferior quality.

    Such cheats should also be reported to the authorities by filing a complaint against them.

    Some other examples of cyber crime include internet scammers, fake bank calls, phising etc.

    Action Item #: Create A New Investigative Team Dedicated To Combat Cybercrime

    Links to operational framework: P2 O4 O5 O6 E4

    Success indicators

    Full implementation: 2020 and ongoing.


    The RCMP requires dedicated investigative capacity to address cybercrime, where new technical capabilities are integrated with traditional enforcement measures.

    To address this requirement, the RCMP will establish a cybercrime team located in Ottawa to investigate the most significant threats to Canada’s political, economic and social integrity that would negatively affect Canada’s reputation and economy. The team will have the capacity to target cyber-related criminal activity targeting the federal government, national critical infrastructure and key business assets. In carrying out its mandate, the team will leverage RCMP operational units across Canada that provide specialized and technological services in support of cybercrime investigations, and will work with domestic and international law enforcement partners on joint force operations. The team will enhance the RCMP’s ability to combat cybercrime-related offences where technology plays an integral role, such as investigating the unauthorized use of computers, mischief in relation to data, or the possession of a device to commit unauthorized computer use or data mischief.

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    How Do I Complain About Cyber Crime

    If you wish to file a complaint with a cyber crime cell in your jurisdiction, you must do so in writing. If you are filing a written complaint, you must include your name, contact information, and address. If you are filing a cyber crime complaint, you should contact the Cyber Crime Cell of the city where you are filing it.

    About Cyber Crime Police Station

    How To File A Complaint In Cyber Crime || Cyber crime complaint ?

    The Cyber Crime Police Station of Jharkhand Police was inaugurated on 21 st March 2016 by the honourable DGP, Jharkhand , Sri. D.K.Pandey, IPS. It deals with serious and complicated Cyber crimes, which otherwise could not be properly investigated by the local police for want of technical expertise. Cyber Crime Police Station also provides technical assistance to all the cases received by it or any of the Police Stations of Jharkhand. The SHO of Cyber Crime PS is Dy.SP Neha Bala, JPS and it is being supervised by S.P. Cyber Crime. Under the overall control of I.G. and A.D.G.. The Station House Officer, Cyber Police Station is empowered to register FIRs, conduct further investigation and to lay final reports before the Court. The offences currently being investigated in the Cyber Crime Police Station are as follows:

    • Unauthorized access & Hacking
    • Tampering with Computer Source documents
    • Social media abuse which may result in serious consequences
    • Complicated Cyber offences done through Smart phones
    • Pornography
    • Breach of Privacy and Confidentiality and other computer related crimes
    • E-mail related crimes:


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    For Filing Complaints Related To Social Media Cyber Crimes:

    1. Apart from the above steps, one must also register a complaint on the corresponding platform where the offense was committed. The steps for the same are clearly stated on every social media platform.

    2. Most of the social media platforms have a clear procedure in place for reporting any abuse or other nasty offenses. You must make sure that you report such activities in the very initial stages of its occurrence. This shall enable the concerned social media platform to take immediate steps for blocking further activities and protecting the privacy of your personal information.

    3. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube have a strict and clear redressal mechanism to protect its users from online abuse and cyber crimes. Make sure that you do your groundwork on their guidelines for reporting an abuse without waiting for an abuse to actually happen!

    How Do Police Investigate Cyber Crime

    In order to prove cybercrime, many national and federal agencies use interviews and surveillance reports. This includes not only security cameras, videos, and photos, but also electronic device surveillance that details what is being used and when, how it is being used, and all the digital behavior that goes along with

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    Report Cybercrime Via The Online Portal

    You can use the National Cyber Crime Reporting portal to report cyber crimes related to women & children and other online crimes like financial frauds, ransomware, etc.

    Heres how you can file a complaint on the portal:

    1. Go to the home page of the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal and click on File a complaint.

    2. On the next page, click on Accept.

    3. Then select the category of crime. There are two options: Report Crime related to Women/Child and Report Other Cybercrimes. If you want to report other than women and child-related crime, click on Report Other Cyber Crime.

    4. On the login page, click on if you dont have an account on the portal. Otherwise, login using your user id.

    5. To register yourself, select your state, any login ID, mobile number, and click on Get OTP. Once you receive the OTP, enter it in the respective box, solve the sum and then click on Submit.

    6. On the next page, update your Personal details including name, email ID, and address. Once you enter all the details, click on Next.

    7. Then you can select the category of complaint, subcategory, date & time of the incident, place where the incident occurred, upload supporting evidence, and provide additional info about the incident in the given box. Click on Save as Draft & Next.

    8. After that, enter suspect details if any. This includes his/her ID, email, address, photo if you have any. Click on Save as Draft & Next.

    Types of Evidence

    • Credit card receipt
    • Any other document.

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