Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Is National Police Association Legitimate

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National Police And Troopers Association

NPA Report with Angel Maysonet, retired NYPD detective

A special program within the International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO.Speaking With One Voice, Moving With One Purpose.

The I.U.P.A. proudly complies with state regulations and required disclosures. If you require additional information, then call us 1-800-247-4872 or email us at:

Your contribution is very much appreciated and although the International Union of Police Association is recognized as a non-profit by the IRS, due to its particular status 5), donations are not tax deductible pursuant to IRC §170(c.

A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by writing to: The International Union of Police Associations, 5632 Bee Ridge Road, Suite 200 Sarasota, FL .

The International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO was formed in 1979 to collectively represent those in law enforcement that are active or retired law enforcement officers to fight to improve, protect, and remember the lives of officers and their families in law enforcement the organization also works to improve legislation that protects and affects public safety officers, as well as representing the needs of law enforcement officers and support personnel, whether that be for better equipment, more staff or a fair wage.

Registration with any of these state agencies does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by any state.

Listed Vp Hadn’t Heard Of Organization

Fred Berns does not recall agreeing to become an officer for the National Police Association.

Berns, 79, a former boxing promoter, was listed as vice president in a July 2017 filing with the state. Berns told The Baltimore Sun he knew Hutchison, but was not familiar with his latest venture.

Hes always got something going like that, Berns told The Sun. Hes a pretty bright kid.

Hutchison said in a statement to IndyStar that he approached Berns about joining the organization in 2017, but soon after there were other events whereby it was determined it wasn’t for the best.

Berns did not respond to three IndyStar phone calls and one voicemail seeking comment.

Berns is among three names that show up in National Police Association documents and correspondence whose official roles with the organization could not be verified by IndyStar.

Until recently, the National Police Association listed a treasurer named Arnold Musungu, whose name is also spelled as Munsungu in some filings. Its press releases include a contact for Adam Colton, a name that has appeared on statements relating to Hutchisons businesses dating back to at least 2003, when he was listed as a media contact in a press release announcing the monthly winner of a USA Dream Girl model search.

IndyStar could not find records for anyone with Colton’s or Musungu’s names who might have a role with the National Police Association.

Police Officers’ Bill Of Rights

The Canadian Police Association is promoting an initiative for police officers’ rights. The association argues that the nature of police work requires members of police services to accept risks in order to preserve public safety, and that police officers are often called upon to intervene in situations when the safety of others as well as their own may be at risk. The Canadian Police Association states that police officers accept this risk, with the expectation that they will be properly supported by their employers, lawmakers and the justice system when they are the subject of malicious attacks, including malicious allegations with respect to conduct.

In Canada the statutory authority regarding policing is governed by federal law, provincial law and often municipal by-laws. The laws, policies and practices concerning the support and treatment afforded to police officers often vary by jurisdiction.

The Canadian Police Association is therefore promoting a “Police Officers’ Bill of Rights”. The association seeks to have this Bill of Rights adopted by federal, provincial and municipal governments, as a basic and consistent set of principles governing the standards applied to their members.

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Jcpd: ‘national Police Association’ Donations Do Not Help Local Law Enforcement

JEFFERSON CITY – A new scam is trying to solicit money from people while posing as “The National Police Association.”

The Jefferson City Police Department says they have received multiple inquiries regarding the company.

The company is located in Stafford, Texas and has reached out to multiple citizens in the Jefferson City and Cole County area requesting donations.

JCPD says although the organization is a registered 501 3 organization none of the funds collected help local law enforcement.

The donation form says “Jefferson City Area Alert,” but JCPD has not created that alert for the community through their agency.

JCPD says there are a number of worthy investigations in the Jefferson City/Cole County area and they urge residents to make a donation with a local charity.

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Business Master File Data

The Working Of National Police Association To Facilitate ...

Below are some key data points from the Exempt Organization IRS Business Master File for this organization. Learn more about the BMF on the IRS website


Activity data not reported from the IRS

Foundation Status:

Organization which receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or the general public 170


Independent – the organization is an independent organization or an independent auxiliary .

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Q: What Kinds Of Activities Does National Police Support Fund Engage In

A: We engage in activities aimed at supporting our law enforcement officers and standing up for their rights and values throughout the political process. This includes marketing and outreach to supporters and communities, grassroots political efforts, and digital marketing efforts. We use the funds raised from these activities to support elected officials, candidates, and organizations whose goals and values align with our own.

National Association Of Police Organizations

NAPO Top Cops

The National Association of Police Organizations is an American lobbying group representing police and law enforcement officers, police unions and local police officer associations. It was founded in 1978. NAPO represents more than 2,000 police units and associations, 241,000 officers, 11,000 retired officers and more than 100,000 others not directly associated with the police. NAPO sponsors the Top Cops award for outstanding achievements by individual police officers.

Bill Johnson is Executive Director.

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Questions To Ask A Fundraiser

Here are four questions to ask someone who says theyre raising funds for a charity that helps first responders, active duty military, veterans, or their families.

  • What is the charitys exact name, web address, and mailing address? Some dishonest telemarketers use names that sound like large well-known charities to confuse you. Youll want to confirm this information later.
  • How much of my donation will go directly to the program I want to help? The caller is most likely a fundraiser, not the charity itself. So after the fundraiser gives you its answer, call the organization directly and ask them, too. Or see if the information is on the charitys website. What else does the charity spend money on? Some fundraising can be very expensive, leaving the charity with little money to spend on its programs.
  • Are you raising money for a charity or a Political Action Committee ? Not every call seeking a donation is from a charity. Some calls might be from a PAC where donations are not deductible and the PAC will use the money in a different manner than a charity would.
  • Is the charity registered and will my donation be tax-deductible? To be sure, though, look up the charity in the IRSs Tax Exempt Organization Search. If a donation to the charity is really tax deductible, the organization will be listed there. Remember that donations to individuals and PACs are not tax deductible. Also check to see if the fundraiser and charity are registered with your states charity regulator.
  • A Sliver For Families

    NPA Report with Sgt. Bob Bemis (Ret.) Director of Training for Wrap Reality, Author, Speaker

    The International Union of Police Associations and its related organizations go by more than a dozen different names, including the Police Officers Support Association and the National Emergency Responders Coalition. But the groups file financial disclosures with federal regulators under only a handful of names.

    Up until the latest tax year when the groups appear to have changed how they categorize certain expenditures the pattern was largely the same from year to year: A small number of families received a couple thousand dollars apiece top employees of the union received more than $100,000 apiece and tens of millions went to telemarketers.

    For example, in the tax year that ended March 2018, the Law Enforcement Officers Relief Fund gave 11 families an average of $6,545 apiece. That is equivalent to 2.7 percent of the $2.7 million the organization raised from donors that year, according to its federal tax return.

    Most of the money raised went to telemarketing 87 percent and other expenses.

    That same tax year, the International Union of Police Associations gave 10 students pursuing advanced degrees in law enforcement an average of $2,500 apiece.

    About $1.8 million went toward the salaries of union officials, including $199,700 for Cabral, the president. Three other IUPA executives earned more than $100,000 apiece during fiscal 2017-2018.

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    Npa Launches National Effort To Show Appreciation To Local Law Enforcement

    Its been a tough couple years for local law enforcement. Groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter have inspired people to assassinate cops on the street. Soft on Crime groups are targeting record numbers of individual law enforcement officers in law suits for police brutality. And cops are facing increasing disrespect on the streets as criminals have become emboldened by the wave of anti-cop rhetoric in the news media and by many politicians.

    On its donate page, the NPA boasts of its work to preserve the American way of life and fight back against cop-haters.

    In fact, as Ive previously , supporting law enforcement and supporting reform movements such as Black Lives Matter are not mutually exclusive. Promoting divisive rhetoric is detrimental to the public safety mission that requires any genuine law enforcement organization to be accountable to its constituents.

    Other policies that the NPA promotes include aggressive stop-and-frisk tactics and broken windows policingstrategies that have resulted in unconstitutional practices that undermine civil liberties.

    The NPAs immigration proposalAuthorizing local law enforcement officers to perform federal immigration law enforcement functionsis based on fear-mongering and a clear recipe for abuse and division. This policy has been repudiated by a significant number of law enforcement leaders, whose experience has led them to conclude that it would make their communities unsafe.

    Surveys as Propaganda

    Media Fuels The National Police Association’s Rise

    The National Police Association has quickly succeeded at positioning itself as an expert representing the views of law enforcement.

    The National Police Association is the latest venture for a founder who has spent more than two decades honing his media skills. Hutchison’s background includes providing radio commentary and publishing a political newsletter called the Indiana Conservatives Letter.

    I find the Republican party to be more supportive of law enforcement than other parties, Hutchison said in response to a question about how his past prepared him to run the National Police Association.

    Now, armed with a trustworthy name while serving a hungry media, the National Police Association has filled a news vacuum with everything from tips on staying safe during the holidays to commenting on criminal justice issues all the while raising donations with the implication it’s directly supporting local police.

    Instead, the National Police Association is focused on sending fiery press releases, filing friend-of-the-court briefs and submitting statements through social media that dive into hot-button political issues, such as saying the ACLU consists of activists who represent cop killers.

    The National Police Association’s tactics appear to be working.

    In April 2018, The Cincinnati Enquirer called it a “national police group” and quoted from a statement in a nine-paragraph story about a man accused of shooting at police officers.

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    Phone Calls Asking You To Donate

    Many charities that help first responders like police officers and firefighters veterans, and active duty military, or their families, pay fundraisers to call donors or potential donors.

    Fundraising calls are allowed even if your number is on the National Do Not Call Registry. If you want fundraisers to stop calling, ask them to put you on the charitys do not call list. When a charitys fundraiser calls to ask you for a donation, they have to follow some rules:

    • They can only call during specific times. They can’t call you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.
    • They have to disclose their name and purpose. They have to tell you the name of the charity, and tell you if the reason theyre calling is to seek a donation.
    • They cant deceive you or lie about:
    • The fundraisers connection to the charity.
    • The mission or purpose of the charity.
    • Whether a donation is tax deductible.
    • How a donation will be used, or how much of the donation actually goes to the charitys programs.
    • The charitys affiliation with the government.
  • They cant use a robocall or prerecorded message to reach you unless you are a member of the charity or a prior donor, and even then they must offer you a way to opt out of future calls.
  • Their caller ID has to be truthful. The caller ID on your phone has to show the name of the charity or fundraiser, along with a number that you can call to ask to be placed on the charitys do not call list.
  • Social Media And Crowdfunding Posts Asking You To Donate

    The Working Of National Police Association To Facilitate ...

    Especially after a tragedy or military-related event, fundraisers and causes show up on social media and people create crowdfunding campaigns to help those affected. The safest way to donate on social media or crowdfunding campaign is to give to people you actually know. Here are a few ideas to help you give safely:

    • Dont assume the request is legitimate because a friend posted it. Pay attention to who first posted the request on social media. Contact your friend privately or offline to ask them about the post they shared.
    • Check where the link to donate goes. Does it go to a crowdfunding campaign for an individual or to a charity? If the money is going to an individual campaign organizer, are you sure that person will pass the money on to the cause you want to support? Confirm with whoever posted the link that they know the person behind the fundraising. If the money goes to a charity, do your research on the charity. Just because a friend recommended it doesnt guarantee that the charity will spend your money wisely.
    • Keep in mind that your donation must be to a charity to be tax deductible. If its important to you that the donation is tax deductible, confirm that the organization is registered with the IRS as a charity. Look up the organization in the IRSs Tax Exempt Organization Search tool. Donations to individuals and PACs are not tax deductible.

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    Bbb Advises Potential Donors To Be Cautious If Solicited By The National Police Support Fund Because Of Lack Of Transparency

    Better Business Bureau advises area residents to be cautious of phone calls or mailers soliciting donations to the National Police Support Fund, an organization that describes itself as a grassroots movement of Americans united to support their political action activities.

    A BBB investigation has been unable to determine who is behind the National Police Support Fund or details on how the group intends to spend its donations. National Police Support Fund representatives have been phoning potential donors in the St. Louis area over the past several weeks, including the wife of a retired police officer who said she became suspicious of the solicitation after making an initial pledge of $15.

    The woman, from Affton, said she backed away from her pledge after learning that the organizations Virginia address was a postal box. She said she became even more skeptical after reading a mailer from the nonprofit, noting that contributions were not tax deductible.

    I wanted to help, she said. But I have no idea what is going on .

    Michelle Corey, BBB president and CEO, said that any nonprofit that solicits public contributions should earn peoples trust, and one way to do so is by being transparent. A nonprofits mission may seem laudable, but unless it makes itself accountable to its donors, it rarely will be successful.

    Its corporate registration with the state of Virginia was filed on Sept. 12, 2017.

    Don OBrien, Investigator, 584-6785,

    About BBB

    Spot And Avoid Fake Charities

    Many legitimate charities support local firefighters and police, active duty military, and veterans, or their families. But other charities lie about what they do with donations or how much they spend on programs. And some are outright scams. Here are some things you can do to avoid donating to a fake charity:

    • Pay attention to the charitys name. Scammers use names that sound like well-known charities, or that include words like veteran, foundation, operation, hero, wounded, disabled, or homeless. This infographic has examples of sham charities that used names that sounded legitimate, but lied to donors.
    • Pay attention to how the charity or fundraiser asks you to pay. Scammers ask you to donate through wire transfers, by putting money onto gift cards and sending them the codes on the back, or leaving money under your front doormat for pick up. Dont do it. Only scammers will ask you to donate that way.
    • Its safest to donate by credit card or check after youve done some research on the charity.
    • If youre donating online, make sure the webpage where you enter your payment information has https in the web address. That means your information is encrypted and transmitted securely. But encryption alone doesnt mean the site is legit. Scammers know how to encrypt, too.

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